Gas prices are headed back up again as Im sure youve noticed during the holiday weekend. Most of us start cursing the middleeastern countries for screwing the american public again however there is another side to this outrage at the pumps. Lately our government has been printing money at a greater rate than ever before telling us it is needed to fix the economy. Well you know the old saying nothing is for free right? For starters we did not have all this money on hand to begin with so what gave them the right to start handing out all this dough. They printed more dollars flooding our system with more dollars in hopes of fixing the ailing companies that they claim are fixtures that our economy needs to stay alive. By pumping all this amercan fiat money in to our system there is no way that our current dollar can have the buying power it once did. Inflation is a must. The arabs know this and demand, right fully so if you think about it, that they will need more of those american dollars for their current product,oil, to make the sale. It makes sense and is a misunderstood result of the ever diminishing returns that our dollar will produce. Inflation is coming and Gold will always win out in times of inflation. Current price is approx. 960 range. More and more one hears the local pundits on the financial channels start backing the idea of gold/precious metal investment because when it comes right down to it Gold and its precious metals have a value for the simple reason that you cannot print or produce more of it by turning on the printing presses. There is a limited supply dictated by the current amount available and with in reach at the mines. You can always explore for more veins of the metal in the earth but until then you are stuck with the current supply you have. Thats bascially what determines its worth. Its limited quantity. Dollars these days seem to be unlimited. Not a good thing....for the dollar that is.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Gold has broke 1000/ounce! It should now be quite evident that as things are getting worse in our economy that more of peoples money is being put into the king of safe investments, GOLD. Ive heard projections of upto $3000-$5000 per ounce lately and although I have to admit at first I thought that was a long way off I am feeling lately that under the daily borage of bad economic news it just might happen sooner than later. Again breaking 1000 per ounce should set free all doubters of golds strength as a viable investment in an otherwise unstable financial enviroment. Over and over President Obama emphasizes that unless drastic measures are done there is to be a catastrophic failure in our financial system. He states we need to act now or we are in deep trouble. Well I did not vote for him but can honestly say he is trying to be very honest about the situation. We are in trouble. 1 yr ago gold was at approx $650!!! Buy gold while its still cheap and you will hold your savings value and more than likely grow your investment.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
your 401k and 10cents will buy a cup of coffee
Peoples 401k plans are shrinking faster than than the respect they once had for our elected officials with no end to the falling value in sight for the near future. Our new President Obama has issued close to 800 billion more dollars to be pumped into our economy some how forgetting about the first 350billion that was issued. There is just to many dollars being printed bringing our dollar value lower by the month. Unemployment is rising at unprecedented levels and our great leader decides to keep our "america last " policy as it has been for the past decades. In other words make everthing not in america. So its a pretty good bet that with most american companies producing goods elsewhere , that job growth will not increase. Job growth will most likely decrease further due to the companies need to cut jobs to show on their balance sheets more working capital and make their stock more valueable. The situation is dire indeed and will take more than throwing billions at the problem. This clearly is not working.
Gold prices however have been on the rise. As of today gold price per ounce is $914. One of the silver linings in this crisis is that you can rest assure that the sure fire result of all this free money being given away will be a devalued dollar. Gold will rise even further. There are many people I know who are thankful they had purchased gold and already are seeing that gold ownership is a must in bad economic times.
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