Monday, September 15, 2008

The economy is strong right!??

After todays anouncement "WASHINGTON (AP) -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Monday the American people can remain confident in the "soundness and resilience in the American financial system."
Briefing reporters at the White House, Paulson said he "never once" considered it would be appropriate to put taxpayer money at risk to resolve the problems at Lehman Brothers."
those of us who are into precious metals can really see our research coming to light. This is really scary. We all know that the cycle for the destablishment of any fiat currency starts with the politician wanting to appease 2 main groups. They consist of the people who do not want taxes to increase and the other who want more governemental programs in our life. The political leader wishes to be liked by everyone for obvious reasons mainly job security, so will bow to both groups. He will not raise taxes even though they are needed to pay for all the programs and debt out there and create even more governmental programs. HOW??? They borrow to finance all the programs and no new taxes being implemented and then you guessed it create new currency to cover deficit. Inflation happens from this cycle all the time. This bailout of these banks in my opinion will be a major contributor to inflation weakening of the dollar through the fed winding up the printing presses to bail out these banks. Again Im betting more banks will cry to government to help and maybe even the major corps will get in on this. We are in for a very uncertain economic time unless you are participating in investing in precious metals.
Any comments are much appreciated.

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